Shameless Shout Out For My Valentine

Since I don’t happen to work for any local, state or national government but am just a lowly blogger, do you think I’ll be in hot water with any official ethics organization if I choose to use this space to promote a family member’s creative work? And it’s pretty far from being a line of clothing, too.

Since Valentine’s Day is all about expressing our love, and I’m due to make a new post, it makes pretty good sense for me to give the floor (if that’s what this kind of virtual platform can be called)  over to my husband. Well, that’s not quite what I mean, in that he’s not coming on the page or anything, but I think you get my drift. Now there’s a word that sprung readily to mind based on recent weather events around here.

Anyway, my husband has always supported me in my ventures, including establishing this whole website, which in fact owes its origin in large measure to him and his particular calling…and to the fact that, given my background, we are two hearts joined together in rather unusual circumstances.


Anyway, it’s not every day that one’s spouse or partner (or parent or child or sibling, for that matter) writes a book that goes all the way to publication and distribution, but mine has, and I’m mighty proud. It’s called Without Shame or Fear: From Adam to Christ by Rob Hirschfeld (Church Publishing, 2017). I’m not one bit ashamed or fearful, mind you, just plain proud.

OK, here’s the essential information about what it is, and how you can a copy if you so choose. I’ll actually give two sites; the price is the same at either one, by the way. Here’s the first one, and here’s the second. And really, no pressure whatsoever. Maybe your local library,  more likely a local church,  will pick it up — can’t say for sure.

What I can say for sure is that it’s a good read. Having seen only parts when in draft form, I’m really glad to find how the six chapters– plus the Introduction and Conclusion on either end– build upon one another and how, throughout the volume,  he achieves a lovely weaving together of Scripture, art and film and poetry, as well as his own vivid memories.

As I write, another Valentine’s Day is coming to a close. However pleased or not so pleased we are with the level of romance in our lives, chances are we’re not quite as downcast as this famous couple when they were banished from the Garden of Eden.


The book begins with them, but fortunately for us, all is not lost at this moment. There’s plenty of shame to go around, in any era; working through it, especially working through it together, is a life-giving effort.

There– I’ve said more than enough. After all,  this is my husband’s book, so who am I to even talk about it? Well, people who have known me might say with a smile that this kind of question has never stopped me before. Really though, if you can’t sing the praises of your spouse’s work on Valentine’s Day, then when?

The fact is, after all the cards and the candy and the flowers, those of us who are in or have once been in long-term relationships know that they’re mostly about mutual support and comfort — being there for someone, day in and day out. At least that’s what I believe.


Sure, this term might generally be used to describe various kinds of alimony arrangements. For the life of me, though, I don’t know why it’s not used much more often to describe what partners need from one another just on any regular old day, when we’ve  winced in pain or perhaps had a minor triumph, or possibly both. No extra creative work even required! In this ongoing effort, there is definitely no shame, and frequently even a whole garden of delights.





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