House of Bishops in the Heart of Country Music

I’m just back from Nashville — Country Music Capital of the World and also site of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops fall conference.   Now there’s an interesting adjacency for you, or at least it just was for me, as I tried to juggle my role as spouse to a bishop at the Airport Marriott, some distance away from the heart of town, with the strong pull I felt towards most everything related to the twang of guitars – both … Read More

March in Limbo

Houses have a stay-in-one-place, rooted quality to them.  Life, on the other hand, is mostly made up of transitions, mood changes, shifts large and small.  Or at least this is how it looks to me from my current perspective.  And my current perspective is no doubt only enhanced by the particular season we’re in now. Has there ever been a better example of a limbo time than the whole month of March?   Yesterday, the poem of the day on “The … Read More