Bach to the Future

Is it possible to keep two independent melodies, or maybe even three or four, going in our heads at the same time? And, if it is possible, is it advisable? That is, can maintaining the integrity of each actually help to lift us out of the daily muddle? I think so. Unless, that is, I’m confused. Or maybe just eager to re-unite with my younger, more agile self. While we might think anyone who “hears voices” is likely just nuts, … Read More

House of Bishops in the Heart of Country Music

I’m just back from Nashville — Country Music Capital of the World and also site of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops fall conference.   Now there’s an interesting adjacency for you, or at least it just was for me, as I tried to juggle my role as spouse to a bishop at the Airport Marriott, some distance away from the heart of town, with the strong pull I felt towards most everything related to the twang of guitars – both … Read More

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